Sizing Guide

Getting the right fit is very personal and important, and it is well worth the time to get your measurements correct. There are several techniques to measuring your head. The most accurate is using a cloth measuring tape also called a “tailors tape”.
Simply measure the circumference of your head in inches or centimeters, holding the tape or string snug, but not too tight, just above your ears – which is right about where your hat will sit (see the illustration below!) It is easiest to have someone take the measurements for you, but if no one is available, use a mirror and measure several times to ensure accuracy. Then consult the chart above to determine your equivalent size.
No measuring tape? No problem. Cut a 30″ piece of string. Use the string to measure your head using the technique mentioned above, then measure the length of string with a ruler.
Please keep in mind how and where you wear your hat (low on the forehead, in windy environments, loose over the hair).
We recommend that you do not use other hats in your collection for sizing, as their size guide may differ from ours.
Here's how to measure your head:
Illustration by Kimberley Whitchurch (instagram: @draw.she.said)